Monday, January 3, 2011

Sad day (R.I.P.)

Hey Inkbots,

In a lot of ways I have been lucky to have never had someone close to me pass away, but on the other hand it is still hard to turn a blind eye to all the horrible things that happen around me. 

An hour ago I received word that one of my former classmates was allegedly strangled to death by her husband, on New Year's eve. Now, as someone who feels bad whenever I raise my voice to my wife, I can't possibly understand what could lead someone to do such a horrible thing. I mean if you don't want to be with her then why didn't you just leave? Why did you have to kill her? And why did you lie about it afterwards (as if you weren't enough of a coward already)?

Still, in all honesty, my former classmate's husband isn't the only one to blame.  Many times, in situations like this, the victim's  family is also responsible. Yes, often times they ignore the abuse in hopes that it will just go away, when in actuality it doesn't.  As a matter of fact hundreds of thousands of women are victims of spousal abuse every year. Which leads me to ask "What the fuck is wrong with society?"

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