Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Hey Inkbots,

Last night I went to see my niece's winter concert. Now normally when I go to such things, I tell myself that there is a high probability that the show is going to be bad, but never do I expect the show to be horrible. Well ladies and germs, after sitting through some of the worst amateur singing, and wood wind blowing, that I have ever heard, I can honestly say that I am now prepared for the worst. Still, I must say that I feel horrible about feeling this way. The kids were only in their early teens. I mean maybe I should be more supportive? Then again, it's not like I yelled out "YOU SUCK" in the middle of the performance (though I certainly wanted to). I just didn't clap as hard as the other parents did. I don't know, maybe it's because I feel that we spoil our kids too much by telling them that they're great at everything that they do, when most of them are just average. Or maybe my parents just didn't hug me enough. Either way, I still told my niece that I was happy to see her try (and I was). I just didn't necessarily tell her that I was eager to see another one of her school's  annual "marathons of noise."


1 comment:

  1. I gotta agree with you Christian...those concerts can be like fingernails on a chalkboard. If you want to see something really funny, try a school thats entertainment!
