Monday, October 18, 2010

More Comic Con experiences, embarrassing story, INKBOTS R 'US

Hey Inkbots,

On my facebook page I kept promising everyone that I would post a blog on Friday, then Saturday, then Sunday, and now look, here I am finally fulfilling my promise ;) Fortunately, I do have three good excuses for missing my last blog update a) I locked myself in isolation so that I could finish a script on time, b) I was working on a film project with Inkbot film's very own Robert Vicente and c) I was building an evil robot capable of deleting my wife's dvr'd episodes of biggest loser. Now, aside from where can you buy this evil robot, I know what you're thinking, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SEE THESE PROJECTS?! Well, my guess is that by December we should have the Inkbot Film site up and running, AND we should at least have TWO film shorts ready for your viewing pleasure (pretty ambitious huh). No, but in all seriousness we are taking our projects very seriously which is the major reason why my blog updates are always a day or two late (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) ;)

Memories from the Con: Talking with Jan this past week , its amazing to note just how fast the big convention came and went. I mean it felt like just two weeks ago that I feverishly planning to crash into the main floor and take it by storm...oh wait...oh crap it was just two weeks ago. Anyway, my point is that it all went by very fast, but, that doesn't mean that we don't have some cool memories to share. 

Meet & Greets: Probably the best experience was meeting those of you who email me regularly or who visit the site on a regular basis. I must say that all of you were surprisingly way more attractive than your type font would suggest, and that's a good thing as I had to stay in a booth with Clay (co-creator of Revolvers) and his stupid hat all day long. Another cool part of the Con experience is talking with potential new fans at the conventions and then forgetting their names later on when I see them again lol. Any of my former students will tell you that I'm horrible with names, which is why I give everyone a stupid nickname (then again, if all the names are stupid THEN NONE OF THEM 

Commission drawings: I know I posted about this last time but I just feel compelled to share again just how great it was making Jan and Clay bust their respective asses (and not in a gaseous, only funny to a third grader and twenty something year old male  kind of way). I mean if you would've seen their faces when two fans, just five minutes to closing, came up to the booth and asked for two of the most difficult drawings anyone can draw in under five minutes, you too would be blogging about it two weeks later. ;) 

Spike in interest: Outside of the meet & greets the greatest thing to come out of The NY Comic Con is the spike of interest that our site has gotten. I mean to say that all our titles have quadrupled in viewings this past week would be an understatement. As a matter fact, interest in the site has been so high as of late we might just have to keep posting great stories ;P

And with that said, I really hope that everyone reading this has checked out Zomboy and American Ambition. Issue 2 of Zomboy is really going to throw everyone for a loop (just in case you weren't a fan of it's methodical first issue) and I know for fact that Brent & Clay have some remarkable things planned for American Ambition.

Speaking of American Ambition, for anyone who brought one of our exclusive comic con trades, I'm sure you were entertained by one of Clay's two hilarious advertisements. I mean its amazing just how talented this kid is (which is why we pay him in grape flavored bubble yum from time to time ;)

INKBOTS R US: Some of you have asked, most of you have wondered, and now, we're finally getting our act together. Yes, by this time next week should have it's own online shop up and running. SO, WHAT'S GOING TO BE AVAILABLE IN THIS ONLINE SHOP? Well, funny you should ask, EVERYTHING....what...EVERYTHING...really...yes, EVERYTHING minus Allen Shrugged branded panda bears. What, you thought Jan was kidding when he said we were going to put Inkbot's great titles on everything visible by human sight, except endangered species (unless they shit in my yard, then we're going after their fluffy asses). YES, come this time next week we will have lots of things available for purchase (in an extremely affordable price) including t-shirts, art prints, mugs, hats, and thongs (I wish I was kidding). Btw, in case you're wondering if we will be selling our books online, yes we will, but not just yet. No, as of now we are still shopping for a publisher (hint, hint, for any interested publishers out there) but we will definitely be printing our titles in the not so distant future. 

Embarrassing Story: Ok, now this isn't so much a specific story as it is an embarrassing commentary on what I did when I first started in this industry about five years ago. You see, I have a problem. I am extremely ambitious. How Ambitious? Well, I'm so ambitious that I often don't know my place, which means that I can be pretty f'n annoying sometimes. How so? Well at my first comic book convention, as a fan, not as creator, I tried to stuff my dreadful, and I mean dreadful, 72 page script in Joe Quesada's face while he was leaving one panel to attend another, AND I tried to give it to him again a few hours later (as if one rejection wasn't enough), AND when he politely rejected my attempt for a second time I tried to give it to Brian Michael Bendis (who is the sweetest guy you can meet), AND when he politely rejected my script, I then tried to hire Brian Kong, the king of trading card art (another amazingly nice guy) as my artist lol (all  this in the same day I might add).  Yup...well, needless to say I didn't end up working for Marvel, but I did learn a valuable lesson STOP BEING ANNOYING AND EARN YOUR DAMN PLACE! Which honestly, is one of the best lessons I could have ever learned, because, without that lesson Inkbot would have never been created (and poor Joe Quesada would've probably had me arrested). Now, with that said, I have absolutely no problem with you stalking us and/or asking us questions. Just this past week I helped at least three different people to be well on their way to starting their first projects, which is a thrill for all us here at Inkbot ;) 

And on that note, I hope you all have an awesome week and that you keep me out of jail by reading my stories and making fun on me in the forums ;) PEACE OUT INKBOTS!!! 

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