Wednesday, March 2, 2011

a few things

Hey Inkbots,

Keeping with my daily blog has been like me committing to running three times a week, it just hasn't happened. Still, I figure I can at least chime in every once in a while and let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, and that there are big things brewing behind the scenes ;)

New Titles:
This week we launched Louie Chin's new weekly title Womp! And if you haven't checked it out already, you really should. Louie's work is a throwback to the days when comics had no idea of how magical and influential they would become. It is a reminder of the age when comic creators were constantly trying to do new things and simply tell cool stories without worrying so much about continuity or protecting the image of a particular brand. Now, that's not to say that Louie's work is necessarily edgy, but at the very least, it isn't afraid to be different (in a good kind of way).

Speaking of different, Jan and I, the team behind The Blue Bullet and Zomboy, are eager to showcase our new weekly series Genesis, which is debuting in the middle of March. Genesis is something that has been brewing in our minds for the last six months, and it is something that we think will change the way people look, and think, about weeklies. Still, being the jerk that I am, I can't say too much about the project just yet except "Its all in the name baby!" 

Let me go on the record and state that I am extremely proud of Odessa's editor Gary Cohen. Mallvile has been a joy to read every week, and I can honestly say that it is one of the most enjoyable strips on the site.

Conventions galore:
Last year we invaded The New York Comic Con, and this year we will invade Mocca, Philly Con, AND The New York Comic Con. So, if you love you some inkbot, or you just want a chance to tip over our table and spit in our faces, here's your chance (btw, if you do want to spit in our face, we are all named Clay). 

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