Saturday, November 19, 2011

A walk in the park (piece)

I know English today

I never liked soccer

I have many friends

Don't beat on my pillow

I now like to talk

I'm not scared, I'm smiling

I just like to walk

Don't beat on my pillow

My eyes will not shut

My mom can't stop crying

I told her we're playing

I'm not really dying

Those kids do not hate me

I play Call of Duty

I listen to Hip Hop

I shop at the mall

I'm always in love

So when fists were flying

I thought of that girl

Like somehow she watched

Like if I pulled through

We'd go to the movies

And she'd help me through

This hell for the different

This hell for the distant

the laughter

the violence

its just who they are

don't know why they hate me

we made it this far

it just can't escape me

I hate them
I love them
I just want to walk!

Why couldn't they let me

There's blood on my pillow

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